Welcome to Texas Pizza. Under new management, our aim is to provide you with a great tasting pizza with a wonderful customer service that makes you come back and visit again. At Texas Pizza we offer you a variety of foods such as gourmet pizza, pasta, fired chicken, buffalo wings, calzones, subs, seafood and much more. Please go thorough our menu for complete details and do not forget to take a look at our great specials.
Texas Pizza is located at 16452 Sea Lark, Houston TX - 77062 and can be contacted at 281-486-4100. We are open form 11 AM - 11 PM, 7 days.
For directions, please take a look at our contact page.
We hope you enjoy the food and spread the word, thank you for visiting our web site.
Please note that the menu and prices are subject to change, all rights are reserved by the management of Texas Pizza.